20 Six-words Stories That Are Absolutely Heart-Breaking

1.The smallest coffins are the heaviest.

2.Brought roses home. Keys didn't fit.

3.I met my soulmate. She didn't.

4.Goodbye mission control. Thanks for tying.

5.Voyager still transmitted, but Earth didn't.

6.One bullet is a lifetime supply. 

7.Mom taught me how to shave. 

8.Introduced myself to mother again today. 

9.I just saw my reflection blink. 

10.Strangers. Friends .Best Friends. Lovers. 

11.An only son, a folded flag. 

12.Passengers, this isn't you captain speaking. 

13.'Just Married!' Read the shattered windshield. 

14.Siri, delete Mom from my contacts. 

15.Jumped. Then I changed my mind. 

16.He hit send, then a tree. 

17.Ever seen chalk outlines that small? 

18.Dad left; a flag came back. 

19.What's your return policy on rings? 

20.It's our fiftieth, table for one.
