This Artist transforms your favorite animated character into "real"people. (14 Pics)

This Artist transforms your favorite animated character into "real"people.
Via: Astkhik Rakimova

Have you ever wondered what your favorite cartoon characters would look like as humans? Astkhik Rakimova, the artist who transforms your favorite animated character into "real"people has answered this question for you.

This Artist transforms your favorite animated character into "real"people.
Via: Astkhik Rakimova

This Artist transforms your favorite animated character into "real"people.

This Artist transforms your favorite animated character into "real"people.
Via: Astkhik Rakimova

This Artist transforms your favorite animated character into "real"people.
Via: Astkhik Rakimova

This Artist transforms your favorite animated character into "real"people.
Via: Astkhik Rakimova

This Artist transforms your favorite animated character into "real"people.

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